adapt to new circumstancesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. It is a constantly changing field because religions change as religious people adapt to new circumstances.
  2. Those that were most successful developed an ability to change and adapt to new circumstances over time.
  3. The constitution must " adapt to new circumstances, or else the entire political system could be threatened with sclerosis,"
  4. But those vendors of technology services can change their stripes faster and perhaps adapt to new circumstances, even when spending is evaporating.
  5. He added that the constitution must " adapt to new circumstances, or else the entire political system could be threatened with sclerosis ."


  1. "adapt oneself to sth"の例文
  2. "adapt themselves to"の例文
  3. "adapt to"の例文
  4. "adapt to a new life"の例文
  5. "adapt to college life"の例文
  6. "adapt to new situations"の例文
  7. "adapt to the change"の例文
  8. "adapt to the new environment"の例文
  9. "adapta motorsport"の例文
  10. "adapta world rally team"の例文
  11. "adapt to a new life"の例文
  12. "adapt to college life"の例文
  13. "adapt to new situations"の例文
  14. "adapt to the change"の例文

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